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Two cogs with images of computing and statistics inside them
By Andrew Freeman - CRM Technologies Ltd, Morag Cuddeford-Jones - Bizibl, Nick Hill - TalkTalk Business
Various cogs, graphs and computers
By Nick Hill - TalkTalk Business, CRM Technologies Ltd
By Nick Hill - TalkTalk Business, CRM Technologies Ltd
A mobile phone next to lines of code and a cog
By Alyssa Meritt - Airship, Neel Banerjee - Airship
A hand holding a phone with app icons
By Alyssa Meritt - Airship, Neel Banerjee - Airship
A laptop with a website featuring an avatar
By Thomas Wapshott - Nosto, Bronto Software
Groups of cash stacked together
By Kristen Gregory Morales - Bronto Software