3 Ways to Get Your Christmas Marketing Wrapped Up

3 Ways to Get Your Christmas Marketing Wrapped Up

Bells are ringing! 3 ways to get your Christmas marketing all wrapped up

Are you busy readying your festive campaigns? The elves from leading DAM platform Canto are here to help.

If you spend your return from summer holidays planning for Christmas, your Christmastime planning for Easter, and your Easter planning for summer, it can only mean one thing – your schedule revolves around consumer marketing campaigns!

For marketers, Christmastime isn’t all slippers and hot chocolate, it’s a serious business with around £9.5 billion spent on Christmas advertising in 2023. So, how can you beat last year’s campaign outcomes, cut through with some noise-beating content, and dredge new creative ideas from a well that’s already been tapped too many times? Here are Canto’s top tips to get your Christmas marketing all wrapped up.

1) Avoid content chaos 

One of the primary pitfalls in complex campaigns is content chaos: you develop ideas and create concepts at pace, send them round the houses for edits and approval, then execute them across various channels. But without the right processes and systems in place, before you know it, your content is saved across multiple systems, sharing is a nightmare, and version control has gone out of the window. 

This year, give yourself and your teams the best gift of all: organise your growing festive content library with precision using a digital asset management (DAM) platform. With a centralised content hub and a host of collaboration features, your whole team can eliminate those operational challenges and work from one single version of the truth. It has a halo effect across your whole campaign, enabling greater consistency and easier distribution. 

2) Keep it consistent

While gimmicks can grab consumers’ attention, try to think of the Christmas campaign as another touchpoint of your brand’s long-term relationship with customers. Create a campaign which lives up to your brand promise and, in the words of Tesco group customer director Emma Botton, “don’t show up differently” at Christmas to how you present yourself the rest of the year.

Using a DAM platform like Canto can help through this process too – having an intuitive, searchable library allows you to easily rediscover previously unused campaign ideas, rather than having to reinvent from scratch. And achieving consistency within your campaign is made easy with brand management tools and style guides, as well as version and access controls.

3) Make it multi-channel

For most retail and FMCG brands, to stand any chance of your campaign reaching consumers, you must use a variety of online and offline channels. The issue with this is obvious: the number of channels, formats and dimensions is ever-expanding, but your team’s headcount isn’t. 

Again a DAM platform can help – from Canto Portals which function as branded mini-libraries to distribute your content internally and externally, to download presets and digital rights management, which tracks any licenses, copyrights and T&Cs on content in your library. Retailers can even publish to digital storefronts automatically and at global scale with Canto’s Media Delivery Cloud.

That’s a wrap

While for consumers Christmas is months away, ‘tis the season for marketers to plan and prepare for the busiest season of all. With the right systems in place, your festive campaigns don’t need to be chaotic. Consider putting a DAM platform under your tree today, to help your team organise and distribute your content.

Canto is the industry leader in digital asset management (DAM), empowering global retailers like Amorepacific, Birkenstock, Crate & Barrel, Giant, and Sony to manage their growing content library with an AI-powered platform. Request a free trial or book a demo now.

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