The Science of Reading in the Digital Age


Reading is not a natural process but an art we have taught ourselves. It has become a social tool to deliver learning and thought from person to person, culture to culture. "To completely analyse what we do when we read would almost be the acme of the psychologist’s achievements, for it would be to describe very many of the most intricate workings of the human mind" Margaret J. Snowling, The Science of Reading: A Handbook

As the digital age surges forward how we read and absorb information is further evolving. Visual and interactive communication combined with text is becoming key to telling a memorable story. And as marketers we want people to read our content to the end, remember what it was about, who we are and what we offer. We want our story to stick in reader’s minds.

With the vast amount of content that is being produced on a daily basis this is becoming a bigger and bigger challenge for anyone wanting to be heard. So, understanding how we read can be key in determining what content works and how it can most effectively be delivered to the desired audience.

When faced with visuals and text formatted similarly on both an ipad and a static magazine, a one year old displays an expectation for interaction. This will without a doubt become the norm for future generations.

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