Unlocking your Business’s Content Potential Using AI

Abi Lewis
Client Operations Director
A trendy looking corporate office, possibly the art department

The rise of AI is revolutionising content production across industries, reshaping how businesses, media outlets and creatives approach the distribution of content. AI-powered tools like natural language generation, machine learning algorithms and generative models are streamlining workflows, automating tasks and enhancing creativity.

But many businesses don’t know where to start and are missing out on making the production process smoother, more efficient and more cost effective. AI offers tremendous opportunities to enhance human creativity and productivity to take content to the next level, yet so many businesses aren’t taking advantage.

To truly enhance their content potential, businesses need to unlock the power of AI.

Escape from the mundane

Regardless of how your business can maximise the power of AI, you need to invest a significant amount of time to truly understand it. One of the major challenges facing businesses currently is that they aren’t putting in the necessary time and effort to learn how to utilise AI to the maximum effect. 

And while this may be time-consuming in the short term and will undoubtedly involve some teething issues, the gains in efficiency and overall long-term improvement in your content will be priceless in comparison.

Often the role AI plays in fulfilling a business’s content potential, comes “off the pitch” rather than on it. Whilst it can help with ideation to an extent, frequently, the most notable gain comes in the time saved doing previously mundane, time-consuming tasks.

Thus, meaning more assets, time and work can be put into doing what we do best: creativity.

The beauty of introducing AI to your content development is that it can be used at every stage of the production cycle, coming right in at the initial proposal stage, with tools existing to help cost up pricing.

With a queue of potential clients waiting for a project to be priced up, AI tools can calculate the costs with a rapid turnaround, minimising the sales cycle so more time, effort and funding can be put into production.

Speed up the briefing process

Similarly, AI can assist with getting the most out of client briefs. Too often briefs contain a lot of information that isn’t necessarily pertinent to the project. Businesses can now use AI to create detailed notes that summarises all the key information.

Especially if the brief is on a complex subject, AI turns into the equivalent of a superhuman. It can take all that information to formulate ideas, with concepts based on the brief, brand, technology or product to varying extents. All while considering the target audience and primary aim of the content itself. 

This can then be utilised in scripting and even storyboarding during the creative process.

Using different prompts, you can turn AI into experts based on what you’ve produced in the past for other clients. Using past video work, storyboards and scripts you can create super agents that use key information to understand what the brand is about – their key messaging and target audience etc. 

From there, you can train the agent to understand the kind of content you are looking for. So, when you get a new brief, you can upload the product information into the agent and it will already know how long the video should be, how it should start and what format it should take based on previous work.

Maintaining that human touch

The common fear exists that AI is going to take human jobs. But from my experience, this won’t necessarily be the case. There’s no way you could let AI produce content solely on its own. 

Yes, it can spit something out that is 80% there, but you need that human touch to go into more detail and finesse it. Not to forget that it takes a human to prompt it in the right way in the first place.

AI, in its current form, is more about enhancing and making us more efficient than doing everything on the table. Once you begin to understand it in more detail, you’ll quickly realise how useful it is to enhance things rather than take them away.

Embracing AI is the future of content. But this doesn’t mean it’s the be all and end all of content. While we’re only human and can rely on AI to spot something we may miss, it can’t work without us.

If you feel like AI isn’t hitting the mark, then the whole point is that you can intervene and redirect it. Vice versa, you can create your own concepts then use the technology to finesse the idea.

Create a ripple effect

To embrace this pro-AI stance, businesses need to cherry-pick people in the organisation who are excited by the technology. 

These early adopters can be nurtured to become super-users, setting the foundation for broader organisational adoption. Rather than mandating immediate AI usage across the board, focussing on employees who exhibit natural curiosity and a willingness to experiment ensures a smoother and more organic integration of AI.

These early adopters can serve as internal advocates, sharing their successes, best practices and learnings, creating a ripple effect that fosters widespread acceptance and engagement.

As these super users demonstrate the tangible benefits of the technology, their influence will inspire colleagues to adopt similar tools. It’s this gradual yet strategic implementation that avoids overwhelming the workforce while allowing the organisation to build a culture of continuous innovation and learning.

Once that ripple effect takes place, AI gives organisation’s a head start on everything content-wise by digesting information and producing creative at a ridiculous rate, ultimately allowing companies to do more for their clients with less and unlocking their true content potential.

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