Go Big Internationally, with the Power of Creators

Go Big Internationally, with the Power of Creators

At Zoomd they are big believers in the power of creators and influencers. Their CGC (Creators – generating – content) department has been working with global content creators for the past several years, helping their international clients grow and spread their word in all regions and markets.

Currently, in the mobile gaming sector, the use of creators is one of the hottest trends in the sector, but gaming studios haven’t adopted this tactic to its full extent yet. Studios are slowly recognizing creators’ potential, but they’re still hesitant to invest in them fully. It may be due to the lack of tools or resources, or simply that large studios are not accustomed to working with creators so quickly and efficiently, to create fun, engaging videos without getting too complicated.

Who are they?

Creator-Generated Content (CGC) has emerged as a groundbreaking advertising strategy that harnesses the power of video ads showcasing genuine individuals using and expressing enthusiasm for various digital products. Unlike traditional advertisements, CGC centers around relatively unknown micro-influencers who are active on popular social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. These creators possess a unique ability to communicate authentically with digital natives and are regarded as more credible compared to A-list celebrities who are commonly associated with major brand advertisers. The success of these video ads lies in their remarkable ability to overcome ad blindness, particularly among millennials and other members of the digital native generation. The key factor contributing to their effectiveness is the genuine and relatable nature of the content, resonating with viewers who see individuals that resemble them and speak their language. By embracing CGC, advertisers can tap into the power of authenticity and connect with their target audience on a deeper level.

Many in the industry haven’t yet tapped into its full potential – either because they’re unaware of its advantages or because they’re unsure how to implement it effectively.

As many gaming studios seek to grow big and international fast, they can use creators to work on a global campaign, using creators from all around the world in multiple languages and from different regions. Creating a diverse, global audience also enhances app owners’ understanding of global markets. Additionally, this collaboration can help create content that is more relatable to people from different backgrounds. This will further strengthen the relationship between the app and user wherever they might be.

For a casual game app, we worked with global creators to spread the word in multiple regions and languages at once.
Here are some examples:

English Version:

Portuguese Version:

Korean Version:

Japanese Version:

Italian Version:

French Version:

Spanish Version:

German Version:

Arabic Version:

Want to see more of what we recently did, for a variety of apps? see our showreel page

Why Is Creators-Generated-Content Effective for Advertising Mobile Apps?

Creators generated content is an effective way to advertise mobile apps because it allows existing users to share their experiences with their peers. This type of content is more influential than traditional forms of advertising, as it allows users to form positive opinions about the products or services they are reviewing.
Additionally, Creators generated content can be cheaper than other forms of advertising, as filming and talent costs are fairly low compared to full animation or production costs.

Looking to break traditional advertising barriers? Look no further with Zoomd’s cgc authentic community.

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