10 Tips for Engaging the Over 50s
Listen to Aron Caplan, Planning Director at Indicia, deliver 10 tips for effectively engaging the over 50s on a deeper level.
This video is a clip from "Marketing to the over 50s - Reaching the ‘forgotten 40%’" - watch the webcast on-demand.
So I think that what we've seen from today, really, is that the over-50s are not a homogenous group at all. That's just an initial piece of detail as we carry out the research - you can use the four segments to understand their attitudes on a deeper level. Talking about retirement; saving for retirement has always been important, of course auto-enroll has been something that has been forced upon us, but we shouldn't be shy to start thinking about those aspirations well before the age of retirement hits and to enable customers to have the products and services that are right to meet their individual, particular requirements.
When we say keep it straightforward - this group of people are not the most sophisticated group, let's say, we're not talking high net wealth. So when we're talking, certainly for financial products, keep the language straightforward, number one, but carrying on from that immediately, keep the product straightforward. So, again, we know that there are a lot of sophisticated options for those with high net wealth with lots of flexibility and you get lots of terminology that is used, and it's right for that audience, that's right for the top 30% and they need that. When it comes to our forgotten 40%, we're really going to have to shave down the number of options that are provided for this group of people and get them to understand what is right for them, if they are not to seek advice and to benefit from a direct relationship with clients. And then, what we're seeing is therefore embracing a personal touch - enable them to have tools, for example, so that they can personalise their situation to their needs. We've seen it done very well in other sectors, if you look at the healthcare sector, for example, just think about all the incredible ways technology is being used to enable people to personalise diets or health regimes towards what they need. We really need to do that as well within the financial sector, and others do as well.
Learn a new language. Very often, it's a top tip, learning a new language, and I guess in financial services we've heard "talk in plain English" for years now. This goes beyond talking in plain language, however; it's about using language which is about aspiration and it's about lifestyle and it's about attitude, rather than it being about language that is very functional - and it's about finance and it's about later life. Moving on from that, speak differently - it really is about adapting the tone of voice. If we look at the four segments we identified earlier, you would require to talk in a very different tone of voice to one segment than to another. You have to speak very differently to appeal and engage with these specific segments.
Ultimately, you need to become a partner, not a brand. We must remember our place as brands - we're not in the driving seat, often, especially in the financial services sector we're not, and you just want to be there for them to understand; take a journey through from 50 years up to the 70s or 80s hopefully. Brands can be there for the customers to fall back on and to guide them through.
I suppose these final two points are really nailing everything together. Take a needs-based approach - talk in terms of those customer needs and understand the heterogeneity of the group of people, rather than take a products-based approach. And finally, create an emotional connection through those customer needs, and showing empathy with your customers.
So that's really the ten top tips to consider when trying to engage with the over 50s, the forgotten 40%.
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