Trends That Matter December 2017

We started the year with Unicorns and we are ending it with The Last Jedi. We fluctuate between fairy tales and interstellar fantasies. We systematically ignore the present we live in. We simply hate it.
We have become obsessed with predictions and we anaesthetise ourselves with nostalgic memories of many repainted pasts. Even commemorations such as WWI are occasions for celebrations and nostalgia rather than reflection.
Does this sound all doom and gloom? It should not be. Brands have a big responsibility. Which is not to make the 'present' looking better, but making the 'present' actually better.
- Aim for better products and offers rather than more of them
- Prove to be 'Good Citizens'
- Focus on experiences rather than transactions
Aiming to make Purpose, Principles and Participation the marketing "Ps" for 2018 and beyond.