The Growth Marketing Guide to Search for SMBs and Startups

White Paper
Small business owner in cafe, using tablet, working

Your customers have changed. They no longer look for information on just one channel or even one device. The factors that influence their purchasing decisions are more abundant than ever. Because of this, the customer journey has become more complex and fragmented. There isn’t a single formula for how to reach them. Therefore, you must market to them in meaningful places.

Definition: The customer decision journey is all the steps consumers take on their way to a purchase, from initiation and research to comparison, purchasing (transaction) and postpurchase interactions (customer service requests, additional purchases).

How do today’s business owners and marketers create a strategy that can connect with the customers who matter to you, deliver bottom-line results and ensure your business is on track for long-term success? The key is search engine marketing (SEM).

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