Introducing Brand Momentum and the Brand Velocity Score (BVS™)

Introducing Brand Momentum and the Brand Velocity Score (BVS™)

In today’s dynamic marketplace, we know that brand growth and sustainability are more important than ever. Brand Momentum is a revolutionary measure of brand health rooted in the principles of physics that is first introduced in the book by Tony Lewis, CEO at Vision One. Much like momentum in the physical world, Brand Momentum is about how much ‘mass’ is in motion—how much force or energy a brand has behind it.

This idea draws inspiration from Sir Isaac Newton’s equation: p = mv (momentum = mass × velocity). In the context of brands, the mass represents brand size, defined by penetration, or the percentage of the target audience who buy into the brand. But here’s where it gets really interesting: the velocity—measured by the Brand Velocity Score (BVS™)—represents the perceived trajectory of the brand. This trajectory isn’t simply whether a brand is popular now, but where consumers feel it’s headed.

This article explores why BVS™ is vital and how it lays the groundwork for long-term Brand Momentum.

Brand Velocity: Why It Matters

Most marketers focus on growing brand size (mass) by acquiring new customers and increasing penetration. But many overlook an equally critical element—how the public perceives the brand’s direction. Is it gaining momentum or losing steam?

Tony Lewis argues that Brand Velocity is, in fact, the most important metric. Ignoring it can lead to missed opportunities for growth, and worse, brand stagnation or decline. BVS™ captures consumer perceptions about whether a brand is moving forward, staying static, or falling behind.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Velocity and Growth

Critics may suggest that BVS™ is just a byproduct of other growth drivers—like advertising, product innovation, or distribution. While these can undoubtedly boost brand size (mass), the perception of growth—the brand’s velocity—is often a powerful catalyst in and of itself. Our research shows that BVS™ doesn’t just reflect what’s happening—it can drive future Brand Momentum and, ultimately, brand mass.

Here’s what you need to understand about Brand Velocity:

  1. Velocity Is Not Actual Growth
    Velocity is a perception. It’s a gut feeling about a brand’s future potential, not a reflection of its current size or actual growth. While it may sometimes correlate with growth, it’s more about what consumers believe will happen.
  2. Velocity Is A Function Of Brand Image Attributes
    A brand’s velocity mirrors its image. Perceptions of desirability, popularity, success, and value all influence the BVS™. It’s the combination of these qualities that gives consumers a sense of whether a brand is ‘winning’ or ‘losing’.
  3. BVS™ Tracks a Brand’s Trajectory
    Traditional metrics such as awareness, brand love, or NPS measure static factors. But they rarely show where the brand is going. BVS™ is unique in that it captures the direction and pace of movement, which is crucial for anticipating future success.
  4. Consumers Respond to Changes in Brand Trajectory
    Just like trends in fashion or tech, consumers react to perceived shifts in brands. Whether it’s good news (growth) or bad news (scandal), consumers adjust their loyalty accordingly. The trajectory becomes a critical driver of brand perception.
  5. Human Behaviour Influences Brand Perceptions
    As social creatures, we’re hardwired to follow trends and imitate others. A brand that signals growth and excitement will naturally attract more attention. This is where brand velocity becomes so powerful—it’s not just about being big; it’s about appearing to move fast.
  6. Growing Brands Attract, Declining Brands Repel
    Research has shown that consumers are drawn to brands they perceive as growing and tend to avoid those in decline. A strong BVS™ can therefore be a game-changer, pulling in new customers and driving loyalty.
  7. Velocity and Mass Are Interconnected
    Brand size can influence velocity, and vice versa. A large, popular brand can create momentum simply due to its scale, which signals success and attracts attention. Conversely, a brand with high velocity can generate excitement, which can, in turn, boost penetration.

Why is BVS™ the Key to Long-Term Growth?

Ultimately, no brand metric is useful if it doesn’t point in the right direction. Many brands focus on improving metrics like awareness, NPS, or brand trust, but none of these metrics capture the forward movement that BVS™ does. Understanding and influencing consumers’ perceptions of where your brand is heading is crucial for sustained growth.

BVS™ isn’t just a measurement of how your brand is doing now—it’s a signal of where it’s going. When combined with brand size, it creates Brand Momentum—a potent force that can propel long-term growth and profitability. By tracking BVS™ alongside other brand health indicators, marketers can make more informed strategic decisions, ensuring their brands remain relevant, desirable, and, most importantly, on the path to success.

To pre-order a copy of Brand Momentum by Tony Lewis, visit

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