7 Powerful Report Dashboards for Digital Marketing Agencies

7 Powerful report dashboards for digital marketing agencies

The birth of the digital marketing agency gave the illusion that FINALLY the value of marketing could be proved with the magic of data and technology. Unfortunately, the reality for many agencies is to drown in unconnected data from multiple marketing channels and client systems. Many hours are wasted manually building reports, only for a client to say they don’t understand it. Then comes the most damaging question: what are we even paying an agency for?   

Fortunately, data analytics platform tools can help agencies overcome this challenge. Data management platforms provide value and structure to the huge amount of data available within disparate company systems. The beauty of these tools is their ability to pull in information from multiple sources and automatically consolidate it into logical, understandable report dashboards from which your marketing team can make educated decisions and guide the client to the best next steps. And the best part? data analytics tools enable you to build and duplicate accurate and concise report dashboards on scale for multiple clients.  

By bringing in data from multiple marketing applications and sales systems, you can create standard report dashboards for all campaign metrics and KPIs with just a few clicks. 

Let’s look at a few examples. 

7 key marketing report dashboards to track 

eCommerce KPIs report dashboard

If you’re working within the retail space, then this dashboard is critical to keeping your client happy. Easily track revenue streams, customer profile data, geographic location, and online behavior in one easy place. This dashboard connects data from your clients’ systems and your marketing channels, providing an easy-to-read performance overview. With a dynamic report dashboard like this, you’ll be able to make actionable decisions quickly, resulting in better results and fewer long-term losses.

ClicData Ecommerce report dashboard exampleClicData Ecommerce KPI report dashboard example

Google Analytics report dashboard

A staple in any digital marketing agencies toolkit, this dashboard gives you all the classic GA insights AND more. Uncover trends in page views, bounce rates, exit rates, best/worst pages, page views, and connect it to deeper meaning by connecting other data sources. 

Google Analytics report dashboard

ClicData Google Analytics report dashboard example

Google ads report dashboard

The perfect way to easily track your ad performance, this dashboard presents all your relevant data in one simple view that your clients will love. This visual report dashboard helps to connect ad performance to the bigger picture and show the overall value instead of the single ad view. After all, it’s can be too easy for a client to see an increased CPA and want to pull the ads, when the reality might be more profitable than they realise.  

ClicData Google Ads report dashboard example ClicData Google ads report dashboard example

Social media report dashboards

How to avoid vanity metrics and focus in on what you really need to know? There was a time where a social media strategy meant businesses spreading themselves thin across all available platforms running the danger of investing resource into platforms which only gave back vanity metrics. However, with heightened reporting available those days are behind us and instead, you can use tailored dashboards to uncover the true value of your client’s social media channels. A simple report dashboard helps bring information together in a simple and visualized way. Most importantly you can connect traffic from the client’s website and other sources to see the true impact social media has on overall performance. 

Below are three dashboard examples for YouTube, TikTokInstagram & Facebook. Another great feature of these report dashboards is with ClicData, you can add them into a binder to present to your client in one easy package.  

ClicData YouTube report dashboard exampleClicData YouTube report dashboard exampleClicData TikTok report dashboard exampleClicData TikTok report dashboard exampleClicData Instagram report dashboard exampleClicData Instagram report dashboard exampleClicData Facebook report dashboard exampleClicData Facebook report dashboard example

Customer profiling & segmentation report dashboard

Being able to accurately target the right audience for your client’s campaign is key to success. A report dashboard like the one below will provide you with valuable insight into your client’s current customer profile and bring together data from multiple sources such as your clients CRM, CDP (Customer Data Platform), eCommerce platform and point sale.  

ClicData customer profiling report dashboard exampleClicData customer profiling report dashboard example

These are just a few examples of the pre-created ClicData digital marketing report dashboards available. In addition, you can create your own & work with our support team. Simply determine the critical indicators that matter most to your clients and set up customized marketing dashboards to reflect that information in the ClicData platform. 

Looking for more? Check out our marketing agencies resources hub by clicking here

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