Leveraging Open Data to Enhance Segmentation

Leveraging Open Data to Enhance Segmentation

Discover how open data can transform your customer segmentation and insights. This article explores the potential of open data in revolutionizing your understanding of your customers. Learn how to tailor your marketing strategies, improve customer engagement, and drive better business outcomes. Read now to unlock the power of open data.

Unlocking the Power of Open Data: Elevating Customer Segmentation and Insights

At the recent Retail Technology Show, Richard Lim, CEO of Retail Economics, delivered a compelling presentation on the future of retail amid the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. His insights highlighted the significant challenges retailers face, particularly concerning consumer confidence and disposable income, with a special focus on millennials aged 30-45. Richard shared how leveraging strategic data can provide retailers with a clearer understanding of their customers, helping them adapt and thrive despite these tough times.

Revolutionising Customer Segmentation with Open Data

At The Data Refinery, we believe that the open data is one of the most cost-efficient and underrated strategic data sets available. The wealth of data available (free of charge or for a nominal fee) offers significant potential with an array of additional insights to support a deeper understanding of your customers. By integrating open datasets with your existing sales, marketing, and organisational data, it can provide a richer, more nuanced view of customer demographics and behaviours. This enhances decision-making, personalisation, engagement, and cross-sell and upsell strategies.

Precision in Customer Segmentation: The Open Data Advantage

Traditional segmentation often relies on basic demographic details like age and purchase history. Open data allows for a more detailed and dynamic approach:

  • Affluence: Integrating data on household income and property values helps differentiate customers by disposable income levels. This enables targeted marketing campaigns—premium offers for affluent customers and budget-conscious options for others.

  • Life Stage: Our platform provides insights into customers' life stages—whether they are young professionals, families, or retirees—using socio-demographic data. This allows for tailored marketing strategies that resonate with each group’s specific needs.

  • Geographical Insights: Mapping customer data against regional datasets offers insights into local trends. For example, identifying eco-conscious consumers in a particular area can guide targeted promotions for sustainable products.

Enhanced Customer Insights for Strategic Decision-Making

The Data Refinery’s platform integrates open data to deliver comprehensive insights:

  • Customer Segments: Our dashboard generates detailed purchasing behaviour segments, such as RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) or RFV (Recency, Frequency, Value). These segments provide insights into behaviours like average spend and purchase frequency, enabling niche personalisation.

  • Customer Demographics: Combining purchasing data with open demographic data from sources like the ONS and HM Land Registry allows for advanced micro-segmentation. This includes insights into lifestyle, life stage, affluence, and housing, offering a well-rounded view of customer personas.

A snapshot of the various data markers that can be added to your customer data is below: 

Community and People Property and Location Utilities and Technology
Broad Geodemographic Segment (ONS) Rural / Urban Indicator Mean Energy Efficiency Rating
Mid Geodemographic Segment (ONS) Total Floor Area (m2) Average Energy Efficiency Rating Band
Gender Percent (%) (census) Property Type Mean Energy Consumption (kWh/m2)
Life Stage Built Form Mean Environment Impact (t)
Number of people in household (%) Mean Number of Habitable Rooms Mean CO2 Emissions (t)
Types of jobs locally Mean Number of Fireplaces Mean Lighting Cost (GBP)
Level of qualifications locally Windows Description Mean Heating Cost (GBP)
Constituency Property Tenure Mean Hot Water Cost (GBP)
Local Authority Property Price range (£) Energy Tariff
Region Property Types Main Fuel Type
Latitude Property Build Types Download and upload speeds (Mbs)
Longitude Property Ownership Types Monthly Data usage (GB)

Real-World Applications Across Sectors

Open data offers significant benefits across various industries:

  • Charitable Organisations: Enriching donor profiles with income and property data helps charities identify the potential for donors to increase their activity and tailor campaigns to their interests and capacities. If dealt with in an appropriate manner, this approach can have a significant impact on frequency and value of the donation.

  • Sporting Organisations: Sports teams can use open data to enhance fan engagement. Identifying areas with high concentrations of young families allows for targeted promotions of family-friendly ticket packages and events, boosting attendance and fostering loyalty. Customising content and offers based on life stages, such as young professionals, families, or retirees, enables the creation of targeted promotions and fan engagement activities suited to each group’s needs and interests.

  • Tourism: Open data reveals visitor demographics and purchasing patterns, enabling businesses to increase spend through targeted cross-selling and upselling. For example, promoting premium travel packages based on visitor profiles can drive higher revenue.

  • Household Decor and DIY: Retailers can use open data to understand home sizes and types, identifying product needs based on home characteristics. For instance, customers in smaller apartments might prefer compact furniture, while those in larger homes might show a higher propensity for repeat purchases of flooring or large garden items.

Harnessing the Potential of Open Data

Open data is a powerful, cost-efficient tool that can transform how organisations understand and engage with their customers. By integrating open data with your existing customer data, we enhance your segmentation capabilities and provide a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of your audience. The Data Refinery platform includes the overlaying of these valuable datasets as a standard feature, enabling precise, actionable insights that drive smarter decision-making. This approach allows you to target niche segments with laser-focused personalisation, drive effective cross-sell and upsell activities, and ultimately enhance brand engagement and achieve better business outcomes.

Want to unlock the power of open data for your business?

Contact The Data Refinery today to learn how our platform can help you.

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