[Infographic] DOOH State of the Nation

White Paper
[Infographic] DOOH State of the Nation

VIOOH partnered with international research and strategy agency, MTM, to survey 1,200 advertisers and agencies across the US, UK, Australia, Spain, Germany, and France to learn about the current state of the nation of programmatic DOOH advertising. 

This white paper, based on the extensive survey of media professionals across six of the largest markets globally, discusses some of the big questions for prDOOH for today and in the future: How will investment levels change for this channel in the future? What are the planning and buying processes of prDOOH? What barriers need to be overcome to facilitate further adoption and growth? 

Following last year’s report, this year the survey also included the fast-growing Spanish market.

Download a copy of the report today to learn more.

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