Brand Trust in the Age of Information Overload

White Paper
Brand Trust in the Age of Information Overload

In thisreport, get a critical set of marketing insights based on the results of a global survey that explores consumer connection, convenience, and communication preferences in today's digital-first ecosystem.

The release shares survey results from 10,000 consumers in Australia, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK, drawing from interviews conducted online by Sapio Research on behalf of Intuit Mailchimp. The findings denote a modern attitude around personalisation, with most respondents eager to see their data used for more targeted product recommendations as long as those efforts go hand in hand with assurances of privacy. In a digital landscape brimming with instant gratification and information overwhelm, consumers still value connection and trust right alongside free shipping and other commodified conveniences - even as they search for cost savings amid the inflation crisis.

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